The first annual Harafish-must-be-less-than-$5-and-still-be-funny Christmas gift exchange! You will note that we are all wearing party hats. It was a truly festive occasion!
Phyllis’ fancy, festive table!
Laura made a harvest smoked gouda soup….yum!
Charlotte brought the fresh bread and tasty coleslaw!
Jill brought mushroom turnovers as an appetizer and rice to compliment….
Irmy’s very tender pork tenderloin with delicious rhubarb chutney (or sauce).
Naomi made roasted vegetables, all the way from Steinbach…yummy!
Phyllis added meatballs to the mix
and Kristy made a very delicious lemon dessert (I know it had a fancier name, but I forget!)
Phyllis received a steamy “Hot Flash Club” book.
Don’t you like Kristy’s “Wilma Flintstone” impression!
Naomi received a fishy tub toy and a dolphin light up key chain along with some fishy note cards.
Kristy is seen modelling her super Santa socks. She also received a glow in the dark fish poster, and a lovely Christmas CD!
Irmy read to us from her new book…a fascinating tale of 2 bad boys….from….Iceland (?)
Laura is seen modelling her new body! She also received candles and a bottle of wine as part of her “seduction package”.
Charlotte received some hilarious squirrel underpants…and a parasite patch.
Charlotte modelling her lovely fancy dress.
Irmy modelling her “fishy” jewellery.
A great time was had by all! Bob courageously agreed to chauffeur Irmy, Kristy, Jill and Charlotte TO the party, and Stan was kind enough to drive us home. Laura had Garth drive her TO the party, and Helmut and Phyllis generously offered to drive her home so we could all still fit in Irmy’s car. We were so spoiled! Thank you Phyllis, for hosting yet another fabulous evening!